6 tips to make efficient use of the washing machine
Is it possible to save on the use of the washing machine? It's possible! With some saving, maintenance and cleaning tips, you will notice how the consumption of your electricity bill decreases. And most importantly, how your clothes are as clean as the first day. Consume less electricity, save on your electricity and water bills, and be more efficient with household chores with these 6 tips. Lg Washing Machine Service in Coimbatore 1. Time discrimination The first thing to take into account, for efficient use of the washing machine, is to know the time slots in which electricity is cheaper. You can know this by taking a look at your electricity bill. In the "time discrimination" section, you can find out the time slots in which electricity is cheaper in your home. The hourly discrimination will depend on your company and the contracted rate . If you don't know this part of your bill, call your electric company and they will explain it to you. Knowing these details on