How to Make Your Refrigerator Work Correctly


Refrigerators are one of the household appliances that cause the most headaches, since if they do not work correctly, in most cases it directly affects the food that is stored in it.

Below we detail the most common faults and advise you the best way to solve them.

 If the motor of our appliance does not stop working, it can be mainly for three reasons:

That the refrigerator is in a place close to a heat source, whose solution will be to change its place.

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That the recommended temperature is lower than 4ºC and 6ºC in the refrigerator and between -18ºC and -20ºC in the freezer, so if the part of the vegetables is frozen, it is because the temperature is below 4ºC.

Another type of failure in No Frost refrigerators presents that it does not cool, but it does freeze.

In most cases it is because there is a plate of ice on the evaporator, or the door rubbers are worn and do not make a perfect seal, or on the other hand, some food is blocking the cold air distribution fan.

Another more common problem is maintenance errors such as   not cleaning the dust from the famous black metal grill, which is located on the back of our appliance, and therefore has poor performance.

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 As well as having our refrigerator excessively full and poorly organized , it can also clog the water condensation drain pipe inside our refrigerator.

The most common breakdowns of refrigerators in which to call the technical service

·         Compressor break.

·         Electronic board failure.

·         Fan break.

·         Broken thermostat.

A gas leak in refrigerators can be dangerous, especially in the latest models on the market, since they are loaded with a somewhat flammable refrigerant . Therefore, you must ventilate the kitchen well, and do not hesitate to contact our refrigerator technical service in Granada.

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The most expensive breakdowns that we can find in our refrigerator

Our refrigerator is perhaps the most essential appliance in the home and the one that usually gives us the most headaches. As we know, its operation is continuous , and the passing of the years and the changes in temperature through the seasons mean that the hottest period is when more breakdowns occur . This makes it a requirement so we have to hurry as much as possible to fix it.

Repairing a refrigerator can have a cost that can range from €25 to €340, with an average price of around €135 per repair . But below we will focus on the two most expensive repairs and see, to the extent possible, how we can avoid them.

Fault in the compressor (engine)

It is perhaps the most expensive breakdown with a price of around €310, since if it fails, it is most likely that we will have to replace it with a new one with the same technical characteristics. Although it is not a very common fault, it is most likely that if the motor fails, it will have to be completely replaced. The price of a new motor can vary depending on the make and model of the refrigerator, but as a guide, a medium motor for a standard fridge can be close to €300. Next, we give you a guideline to detect possible faults:

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If the motor starts, for which we must make sure that our refrigerator is connected, then we will put our hand on top of it and verify that it starts. Otherwise, we would have to see if it has voltage or not, in case the first to verify It would be the so-called starting capacitor and in the case of being wrong we will proceed to replace it.

Observe if the differential of our panel has jumped, because if so, it is a sign that our motor is bypassed , having, making sure a second time and it is with the refrigerator disconnected, we proceed to raise our differential of our electrical panel again and if it jumps again , the diagnosis is clear derivation . Its possible cause could be due to a refrigerant leak in the circuit, therefore we must make sure that this does not happen, before proceeding to change our engine.

A way to largely prevent the motor from suffering more than it should be cleaning the rear grill of our refrigerator, not installing it near a heat source such as an oven or countertop, and finally leaving a space free behind so that it has good ventilation.

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Electronic board breakage

Perhaps it is the most delicate part of our refrigerator since temperature changes, as well as a voltage surge caused in the input network to our home are the main causes of deterioration, normally if we disassemble the plate we can observe a deterioration in the electrolytic capacitors , diode bridge , fuses , all of them essential components of the power supply of our board .

A clear way to avoid an overvoltage, we recommend from our technical service that a surge is installed in the electrical panel of our home.

our technicians specialized in refrigerator repair, will help you solve breakdowns. Contact us and we will take care of everything.


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