How To Clean The Washing Machine?


The washing machine is one of the most used and most important appliances in a home. Today, it has become one of the great essentials. The washing machine is the one that cleans our clothes, as its name indicates. However, he also sometimes needs our attention. If we want it to continue working correctly, it is important to guarantee its cleanliness. Next, we will see different ways to keep the washing machine clean, so that you can continue to take care of our clothes in the best way.

Take care of an ally

Currently, the washing machine is one of the great allies of the daily routine in any house. With these times, the possibilities of spending long hours a day washing clothes by hand and drying them are reduced. To respond to this, we have had the support of this great appliance for a long time. But it is also important to take care of it, so that it can be kept in good condition and does not get ruined.

Sometimes, it happens that ugly odors are felt coming out of the washing machine. It can also happen that the rubber of the door collects dirt, lint and, sometimes, a certain amount of grease. Another problem that often happens is that the compartments for the soap accumulate remains of the products, ending up being covered. All these elements must be prevented, since they can cause big problems in the general operation of the equipment. Preventing this from happening is simple, you just have to know what steps to follow.


Front load

In the case of the front-facing washing machine, there are several things that can be done to clean it. The following instructions can be followed:

Program a hot water cycle with the empty washing machine to remove soap residue.

When finished, add two cups of white vinegar to the compartments and run another hot cycle, which will eliminate bad odors.

To clean the soap reservoir, it can be removed and soaked in a mixture of hot water and bleach.

For its part, for the door of the washing machine, you can moisten a cloth in hot water and bleach and clean the entire surface, both inside and out.


Vertical load

In this case, the procedures are similar, but certain variations must be taken into account to ensure the cleaning of the top-loading washer. The steps to follow are:

Program a washing cycle in hot water with the washing machine empty. When finished, program another, but adding 1 liter of white vinegar and half a cup of baking soda. Do not allow the time to drain to arrive, leaving the ingredients to act in the stopped washing machine for approximately one hour. Clean the inside of the washing machine with a cloth moistened with hot water and vinegar. You can also use a mixture of hot water and lemon juice. 44

The best washing machines

The washing machine is one of the most important household appliances in a home. Also, it tends to be one of the most expensive, so people look for one that can last them for many years. Although at first it may seem like too big an investment, a good choice in it is a guarantee of quality that it was worth the number. Not everything is price if there is durability. So that you can guarantee this, we want to help you see which are the best washing machines.


Different types of washing machines

Along with the refrigerator, the washing machine is one of the most used appliances in a house. Both for its usefulness, its functionality, and its cost, when buying one, it is very important to make the decision carefully. In order to make a good choice, it is essential to have all the information available, and then be able to decide conscientiously. One thing to keep in mind is that when choosing from a range of washing machines, it's not about thinking which brand is better. It is true that some have more prestige than others and that there are brands that develop functionalities and work with remarkable materials. However, when making this type of decision, it is best to think about which is the washing machine for me. In this sense, it is not the same if you have a studio apartment than if you live in a fifth house, or if you are a single person or a family of 4 or 5 people.



Another factor that we must take into account when choosing a washing machine is energy consumption. Of the electrical appliances that we usually have in our homes, along with air conditioning, the washing machine is one of the ones that consumes the most energy. That is something to consider before buying. In addition, it may be convenient to consult with a specialist to estimate an approximate number of the numbers that may appear on the ballot, being able to be more aware before making the decision.


Automatic or semi-automatic?

As in other cases, this decision largely depends on the amount of money we are willing to spend. However, as we said before, it is possible to access cheaper models and lines, among which we can also choose one of these two options.

If the budget is not a problem, the recommended thing is the automatic washing machine. The difference between the two is actually not much. The semi-automatic has the limitation that it works by itself, but the orders have to be given by a person. It is different with the automatic, which can work from the first moment alone. Even today, there are automatic washing machines in which the equipment measures the weight and the amount of clothes that have been placed inside, determining exactly the amount of time it takes to wash them.


Front or top?

Neither one is better than the other in terms of functionality. The biggest difference is given by how they fit into the space in the house. If you have little space and need to place the washing machine under a counter or piece of furniture, you will need a front-loading kit. Otherwise, if you have furniture on the sides, a top-loading one will be fine. That depends on each particular case.


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